Fertility Treatments, What is it?
Assisted Reproduction means that a sperm fertilizes an egg with the help of a medical technique or therapy. Assisted reproduction (sometimes called "assisted reproductive technology" or ART) is useful when the future parent(s) require help to prevent HIV transmission between partners, are using donor sperm, or are having difficulty getting pregnant at home because of fertility issues. Unfortunately, few facilities offer assisted reproduction to people living with HIV, and few health insurance plans cover it. Here are several types of assisted reproduction:
Intra-vaginal insemination (IVI): Very similar to home insemination, only done in a clinic.
Intra-uterine insemination (IUI): Semen (sperm and seminal fluid) is drawn up into a narrow tube, which is then inserted through the cervix into the uterus (womb). The semen is deposited in the uterus, where fertilization of the egg can occur.
In-vitro fertilization (IVF): The woman takes fertility drugs to help her prepare eggs (also called ripening her eggs). When eggs are ready (or ripe), they are removed from the ovary and put in a dish with sperm. Once there is a fertilized egg (embryo), it is put back in the woman's uterus.
Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): This is a specific type of IVF in which a sperm is injected directly into an egg using a very thin needle. When a fertilized egg occurs, it is returned to the woman's uterus. This method is used when a man's sperm do not swim well or are not normally shaped.
High costs keep IVF out of reach for many developing countries but, on the whole, the ethics and laws of a large number of countries exclude IVF treatment for only single women, lesbian couples, and anyone participating in surrogacy arrangements. The cost of IVF reflects a mix of the underlying healthcare system and also the national regulatory or funding environment of the host country. Our research suggests that the average cost for a standard IVF cycle can be anywhere from US$ 12,500 in the United States to US$ 4,000 in Japan. However, the cost per live birth is highest in the United States ($41,000) and the United Kingdom ($40,000) and lowest in Scandinavia and Japan (both around $24,500).
How to Choose an IVF Clinic?
You need to know that if a clinic had high IVF success rate a year ago it doesn’t necessarily mean the success rate is the same now. Various factors which may contribute to a clinic’s success rate might have changed. Good fertility specialists may have left the clinic or the clinic may have employed more experienced doctors, medical equipment may be outdated or new advanced equipment may have been bought and so on.
Choosing a fertility clinic for your IVF treatment is an important decision to make. Take your time and weigh up your options. Here a few recommendations: